
Tuesday 15 September 2020

Captain cook

Is was 1768 and i was recruited for an Expedition around the world and my name was leonardo dicaprio and i'm the best out of the best to go on this expedition because im been training my whole life

For this Surprised Occasion the reason why i'm calling it a surprised Occasion because i don’t know where i'm going but i think it’s for the best because i am the best at what i do when i was getting ready i got a call from the captain itself captain cook who wanted to journey to this island he said if i do this i be doing a another Expedition to a strange snowy mountain filled with strange animals so i was excited i runed and runed to the dock where the ship was and all the mean were they were sorta short but i was tall but who's judging we all got aboard the ship and set sailed to the knowhere island i liked to call it so we sailed and sailed upon the treasurest seas and when we got there we saw people and children playing by the beach but when they saw us they got startled and runned into the trees and hid but it did no use because me leonardo dicaprio was the best sniffer outer ever so we all scattered around the island but we didn’t expect it to be this big by the time we explored half of the island it wasn’t a island it was like a country like ours but no houses only hand made tents and campfires and also food we haven’t seen before so we looked and then we found them just one wait no all of them they all jumped out of the bushes and attacked so we ran and see if we could outrun them but nope they were more faster on feet so they used their spears and we used our guns but it was no used there too much of them if it wasn’t for the captain splitting the people out we could have had an advantage so my captain surrendered me too and the whole crew but the maori people had no heart so they killed the captain and let us go

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah, I love the effort you put into writing your diary entry. It would be great for you to start reading your writing before posting it to your blog and checking for missing capital letters and full stops. Keep up the good work!
